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New Page 1New Page 1New Page 1New Page 1pring2000 - removes lead, VOC, MTBE, cholorine, pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, upgrade to remove bacteria! |
Spring2000 beats other leading brands of water filter in the market for chemical reduction performance. Spring2000 can remove lead, VOC (volatile chemicals), pesticides, pharmaceutical drugs, and many other contaminants. Many other leading brands of water systems uses only one carbon. Spring2000 can do a better job at removing contaminants due to it uses2 heavy duty large carbon filters. If you are looking for a simple easy to hook up system that can provide clean, good tasting water then Spring2000 system is right for you! | | |
 Free Wrench Key Worth $9.99 ! Heavy duty chemical removal for city water and Keeps Good Minerals In Your Water
Big Savings and Good-bye to Costly Bottled Water For less than 7 Cent per day, you get unlimited fresh drinking water right in your home for cooking, drinking, coffee, and tea.
Average household spends $900 on bottled water and soft drinking, now it only cost you less than 7 Cents / gallon Replacement Filter: Spring2000 - A B Replacement Filters 
  Shipping via Canada Post Fast & Reliable Choose A Model Below -- Your Family Will Love a Spring2000 Heavy duty chemical removal for city water and Keeps Good Minerals In Your Water
